Webinar CalendarWebinar#27 "Organization Safety Culture Overview and Management of Contractors” Chinese New Year 2025New Year Message 2025 from Helder TeixeiraAIGA China Nov / Dec`24 NEWSAIGA Singapore - Annual Award & Appreciation Night 14 Nov 2024Secretary General of Asia Industrial Gas Association Milan Sarkar and his delegation visited Shanghai Gas Industry Association

Hydrogen Safety Ecosystem

AIGA, CGA & JIMGA along with EIGA in lead role have developed a pictorial/ graphic overview (chart) of the complete hydrogen ecosystem; existing and future. The scope covers production, storage, transport and use of hydrogen in the fuel cell electric vehicle industry and clean energy. This has been launched via website https://www.h2safety.info/ in June 2022 and is primarily focused for communication and creating awareness among external stake holders (Regulators, Govt. Authorities, Users, 3rd party agencies etc.) and to demonstrate ‘thought leadership’ of Industrial Gases Industry, engaged in safe production and distribution of H2 over last many decades. The platform would help user to learn about the safety/technical standards that have already been developed with regard to H2. AIGA encourages all to view the H2 Ecosystem Website. For more information visit www.h2safety.info

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AIGA e-Learning Courses

Our e-Learning tools are open to all, completely anonymous, and free of charge.
Check out our latest module on Hydrogen emmergency response.

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Corona This section will be updated regularly.
First published on: 18/04/2020
Last updated on: 18/04/2020

AIGA as lead association in the Asia Region for promoting health and safety, has been playing its role during this major outbreak of COVID-19 Pandemic, by sharing information with members and National Associations on the outbreak from WHO and other reliable sources, various measures taken by other Regional Gas Industry Associations, publish multiple guidelines and safety posters relevant for gas industry in the current situation, provide guidance to Members, Asia National Associations and others. AIGA is also sharing the learning by its members and National Associations in gas industry about the various steps and best practices being followed by some of them.


The Asia Industrial Gases Association (AIGA) was established in 2002 by the leading industrial gases companies operating in Asia outside of Japan, Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific islands.

AIGA is technical and safety focused and brings together the national industrial gases associations in Asia with the objective to raise the standard of safety and environmental care across Asia in the use and handling of industrial gases.

AIGA is registered as a non-profit society based in Singapore. It aims to foster the exchange of technical information among its members in the safe handling and use of industrial, specialty and medical gases, and to have close liaison with national authorities, in order to work towards the highest level of safety and environmental care across Asian countries.

AIGA works in co-operation with the other regional associations, namely, CGA (U.S), EIGA (Europe) and JIMGA (Japan). It actively participates in the harmonization of standards across the gas industry on a global level with the other regional gases associations.


To promote general safety, health, environmental awareness and security so that occupational injuries and illnesses are minimized, environmental damage is avoided, security of hazardous materials is assured and continuous improvement of performance in these areas is achieved.

To provide national associations with standards and information for their use and recommendation to local authorities in the preparation of laws and regulations that will be both practical and effective.

To promote harmonization of technical standards and practices within the industry

To review accidents and incidents and recommend preventive measures

To promote the creation and continual vigour of national associations thereby encouraging the nation-wide implementation of its standards

To promote an effective and efficient response to emergencies involving industrial gases in transit and at customer sites